20 June: flight to Surabaya
21 June: Malang [Bromo, Coban Rondo, etc]
22 June: Malang city, bus to Bandung
23June: Bandung [Tangkuban, Ciwadei]
24 June: Bandung [shopping yeah hehe]
25 June: Bandung [again shopping and spa ^_^]
26 June: to Bogor [ Safari park, Botanical garden]
27 June: Jakarta [Ancol]
28 June: Jakarta city [shopping again?], flight to Makassar
“Allah is the greatest, How perfect Allah is, to our Lord is our final destiny. O’ Allah, we ask You for birr and taqwaa in this journey of ours, and we ask You for deeds which please You. O’ Allah, facilitate our journey and only You are The Companion on this journey. We take refuge with You from the difficulties of travel, from having a change of hearts and being in a bad predicament. Amin ya Rabb.”
Java here we come \(^_^)/
~berjalan, melihat, mentafsir~
Kelihatan Bandung dalam jadual tu...nak mai royak la,leh rai as tetamu...=)
hatunuhun ats pertolongan kwn2 di bandung.alhamdulillah seronok di jataningor bljh jmp kwn2 baru..len kali nak mai lagi insyaALlah ^_^
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